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Prácticas Marketing Madrid


Madrid (Madrid)


What does the company offer?
  • 1 internship vacantNone en CASTROL ESPAÑA SLU de 12 meses
  • Study assistance of 1,100.00€ gross monthly
  • 8h. diarias en Jornada completa
  • Remote Practice hybrid model
  • Work Center en Spain: Calle Quintanadueñas, 6, Edificio Arqborea Madrid (Madrid)
  • La beca incluye matrícula en Máster de Formación Permanente en Decision Making and Innovation (Universidad Camilo José Cela)
What profile is the company looking for?
  • University undergrade student pending Final project or University undergrade student pending 1 subject or University undergrade student pending 2 subject or University undergrade student pending 3 subject or University graduate: Grado en Marketing y Comunicación Digital, Grado en Marketing y Comunicación, Grado en Marketing
  • Language Competencies: level B2 of English.
  • Competencies: Habilidad para trabajar en un contexto Internacional, Capacidad de aplicar los conocimientos a la práctica, Orientación al logro, Preocupación por la calidad, Compromiso ético, Iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor, Capacidad para trabajar de forma autónoma, Liderazgo, Trabajo en equipo, Toma de decisiones/resolución de problemas, Capacidad para generar nuevas ideas, Adaptación al cambio, Capacidad crítica y autocrítica, Gestión de la información, Capacidad de aprender, Habilidades básicas de manejo del ordenador, Conocimiento de una lengua extranjera, Comunicación oral y escrita en lengua castellana, Conocimientos básicos de la profesión, Planificación y gestión del tiempo, Capacidad de análisis y síntesis, Motivación, Habilidades interpersonales.
Proposed training plan


Every year we look for students to join our exciting one-year internship programme at the most sustainable offices in Spain that are placed in Madrid. Bp internships provides an exceptional experience with world-class leaders by being part of international business projects throughout a flexible and agile methodology.



In this role you will have the opportunity to work into the Iberia Castrol Marketing Department supporting the Country Activation Manager in the execution of the Iberian marketing plan to support the delivery of volume, turnover and market share targets.
You will work closely with different local functions and customers but at the same time you will have a great exposure to the international structure, interacting with the EU Brand and Comms team, Channel team and Growth Unit team. 
You will have the chance to see different type of marketing program aiming to target difference audience and specifically you will be strongly involved into a BtB loyalty program development and deployment. The project will give you the opportunity to work with the local and international team to implement the program, working with customer operation to identify gap and improvement, to develop new contents and activities for the program and to track the main KPI to report how the program is performing. 




  • Degree (appreciated in marketing , communication )
  • Fluency in English both verbally and writing 
  • Important will be also that the person is speaking also Portuguese because the internship is covering Iberia (Spain + Portugal)